Wednesday, February 24, 2010


Hello to all my new yoga friends that may be new to my blog. My goal is to provide creative, easy ,responsible recipes. I love food and I want my food choices to not only to be heart warming and comforting but healthy for in internal workings of our beautiful bodies. I've always been on this healthy path but a health concern made it not even an option to go any other direction. My hope is that we all find our own healthy path and maybe my recipes can help on that journey. I have a handful of recipes that I haven't had time to blog about so please check back when you can. Namaste


  1. Hi Brooke!! I'm so glad to read your blog! Your fave apple man from the Farmer's Market is also MY FAVE APPLE MAN from the market!

    I have a buckwheat recipe I'll share with you - yours looks yummy too!


  2. Joi, thank you for taking some time to check out my blog and leaving a comment. I love that we share the same boyfriend in Sherman at the market! I can't wait for you to share your recipes with me.

    See you at yoga! B
