Monday, May 30, 2011

Manzanita, Oregon- Coast Cabins

Well here we are at our final destination... the beach in Manzanita, Oregon. When we woke up this morning the sun was shining so we jumped out of bed and headed to the beach!
 After spending most of the morning soaking up some sun we took the long way back through town back to the Coast Cabins for a much needed breakfast/lunch. We enjoyed our usual, yogurt, fruit and my Homemade Coconut Granola (recipe on the blog) and topped w/coconut butter. YUM!
 Later that night I got started on Quinoa Soup; onions, garlic, mushrooms, brussel sprouts, quinoa, veggie broth and a jar of my home canned tomatoes.
 While we waited for the soup to simmer a bit we got started on a simple appetizer. French baguette, local sharp cheddar, local blue cheese and topped with a tart cherry spread. So damn good!
 Just sitting by the fire taking it all in. The Coast Cabins is truly a special place, not our first time there and hopefully not our last.
 Dinner is served! Quinoa Soup topped w/ fresh basil and Spinach Salad w/ crumbled Vegan Herbed Crackers. (recipe for the crackers is on the blog) Billy said that this is was once of the best meals he's ever had, it could have been the wine talking. What a great day this has been.
 This was the next day, we took a hike on Neakahine Trail. It was a tough hike, but so beautiful, and such a great time shared together. We were lucky enough that we had the trail all to ourselves.
Everything from the rocks to the trees are draped in this incredible green moss, one of my favorite things about Oregon. 
 View from the top- they say that this is the highest point from Canada to San Francisco. Spectacular!
 Lunch after our big hike, leftover soup, baguette w/tuna and avocado. Up next... Massages! See you tomorrow.
 Our last day at the Coast Cabins, the usual breakfast and warm tea. Kind of sad this morning but still have the whole day to play.
 We spend some time at the beach, and these cute ladies needed someone to take their photo and my sweet boy came to their rescue.
 Lunch was the rest of our Quinoa Soup, and  baguette w/ tuna.
 Before our last day came to a close we decided to go check out this beach down the road called Short Sands Beach, this is were all the locals hangout. I had to take pictures of all the plants because they all look like they are on steroids, so big and so green. It takes your breath away.
 Billy and I agreed that the walk down to the beach was just a beautiful as the beach itself was.
 Our first view of Short Sands Beach.
 Our last dinner on the coast, pasta, shrimp, asparagus, garlic, and arugula topped w/ fresh basil.
The next day we had to get in the car and drive 10 hours. This was a much needed trip and we had an amazing time- time to head home. See ya Manzanita.
I had to put this picture of my sweet love at the end, I told him he looked like a tired, worn out rock star. We headed back to SLC that day and the thought of spending 5 more hours in the car after spending the previous 10 hour drive day seemed like torture! But we have have to get back to our fun life at home and our kitties. Thanks for going on this journey with us. PEACE

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